Welcome to YOUR database!

Crocker Corps mission is simple: to teach beings how to order themselves! From the early days of selling the beloved hemospectrum to mass slaughter! Around the universe we continue to inspire fearful souls with authoritarian structures, universal colonization and data management!Right here we give you almost* every data point we’ve collected universe wide! Returning your data by giving it(and so much more) back to you in this nifty collection!Feel free to submit additions and edits to the forums! All edits and pages will be voted on by YOU to see what seems right! Don’t abuse this power however! We have plenty of administrators which check these archives!Fun fact! This page is not secure! Crocker Corp has your current location, access to your microphone and your webcam! Someone can hear your breathing growing heavier.What a fun fact!Always remember to be on your best behavior!

FAQ + complaints

Q: what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck hoow did you get all this hoow did you learn this get it ooff get it ooff pleaseA: Such a wonderful question! We get all of our data from trolls like you! To learn more take a gander at our about section!Q: The mother fuckin Section about fuckin Juggalos. All that cult Shit is FAKE and your SNAKEASS “administrators” know That.A: Wonderful observation! You can mail our PR team at:[email protected]!Q: Formally requesting that the misspelling of my name is fixed permanently as my attempts have been futile.¹1. What is the point of an arccchive without proper moderation?Q: We are so sorry to hear about this! Feel free to send a report to:[email protected]!Q: I know.. the site.. says its.. watching me.. but I.. have a.. VPN, my.. hives address.. isn’t archived.. either. Not very.. good at.. your jobs, eh..?A: As a sea dweller you’re awarded more privacy than most trolls due to caste separation! However the smaller number of violetbloods makes you easy to narrow down! We’ll find that information eventually! So we have a question for you! What are you hiding worthy of a VPN?Q: 1M BL1ND HOW3V3R 1T DO3SNT T4ST3 L1K3 TH4TS B33N R3G1ST3R3D.A: …taste?

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